Present Moment, Wonderful Moment
by Thich Nhat Hanh

Waking up
Waking up this morning, I smile.
Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment
and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.

Turning on the Water
Water flows from high in the mountains.
Water runs deep in the Earth.
Miraculously, water comes to us, and sustains all life.

Washing your Hands
Water flows over these hands.
May I use them skillfully
to preserve our precious planet.

Brushing your Teeth
Brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth,
I vow to speak purely and lovingly.
When my mouth is fragrant with right speech,
a flower blooms in the garden of my heart.

Getting Dressed
Putting on these clothes,
I am grateful to those who made them
and to the materials from which they were made.
I wish everyone could have enough to wear.

Hearing the Bell
Listen, listen, this wonderful sound
brings me back to my true self.

Hugging Meditation
Breathing in, I am so happy to hug you.
Breathing out, I know you are real and alive in my arms.

Walking Meditation
The mind can go in a thousand directions.
But on this beautiful path,
I walk in peace.
With each step, a gentle wind blows.
With each step, a flower blooms.

Entering the Meditation Room
Entering the meditation room, I see my true mind.
I vow that once I sit down, all disturbances will stop.

Adjusting Meditation Posture
Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.
Conscious breathing is my anchor.

Following the Breath
Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment,
I know this is a wonderful moment.

In, Out, Deep, Slow, Calm, Ease,
Smile, Release, Present Moment, Wonderful Moment

Cleaning the Meditation Room
As I clean this fresh, calm room,
boundless joy and energy arise!

Cleaning the Bathroom
How wonderful it is to scrub and clean.
Day by day, the heart and mind grow clearer.

Washing or Cooking Vegetables
In these fresh vegetables
 I see a green sun.
All dharmas join together to make life possible.

Waking up in the morning
I vow with all beings
to open those flawless eyes that welcomed the Morning star.