Sunday, February 27, 2011

Model-Dependent Reality

Model-Dependent Reality, my new favorite catch phrase. This is from a book by Stephen Hawkins and Leonard Mlodinow titled “The Grand Design”. (GD)
 "[Model-dependent realism] is based on the idea that our brains interpret the input from our sensory organs by making a model of the world. When such a model is successful at explaining events, we tend to attribute to it, and to the elements and concepts that constitute it, the quality of reality or absolute truth." (GD)
How we view the world, our place of, or in, existence can effect this existence. Now I realize that (GD) this is dealing with things on the quantum level, my contention would be that this is also true on a macro level.
"There is no picture- or theory-independent concept of reality. Instead we will adopt a view that we will call model-dependent realism: the idea that a physical theory or world picture is a model (generally of a mathematical nature) and a set of rules that connect the elements of the model to observations. This provides a framework with which to interpret modern science." (GD)
"According to the idea of model-dependent realism ..., our brains interpret the input from our sensory organs by making a model of the outside world. We form mental concepts of our home, trees, other people, the electricity that flows from wall sockets, atoms, molecules, and other universes. These mental concepts are the only reality we can know. There is no model-independent test of reality. It follows that a well-constructed model creates a reality of its own." (GD)
We see the world through our senses, we hear, see touch, and smell. Everything is interpreted coming through our senses and to our brain. We label things and that is what they become to us. As my friends for “A Course In Miracles “are fond of saying a chair is not a chair. We designate it a chair then our whole concept of reality is dependent on that being a chair.
How many time have we hear the term “think outside the box”? What does that mean to you? To me it means that we must try to avoid our preconceived notions of reality and invent another version that will work in this given situation. We have heard many times of marathon runners pulling that last bit from somewhere deep within to win a race or of a sports team coming from behind to achieve a victory. Where does that come from? Have they reinvented their realities? If so, how can our perception invade the physical world?
"According to model-dependent realism, it is pointless to ask whether a model is real, only whether it agrees with observation. If there are two models that both agree with observation ... then one cannot say that one is more real than another. One can use whichever model is more convenient in the situation under consideration." (GD)
In the quantum world there is the reality that the mere observation or the intent of the observer can change the outcome of an experiment. Why would it not be the same on the macro level? We have just seen multiple dictatorships overthrown in the Mideast. The Hollywood dream machine is another prime example we just take for granted. A multi-billion dollar industry built on shaping reality.
These are cases of people changing their and others perception of reality. I would ask, are there people living among us who can shape their physical reality?  
"It might be that to describe the universe, we have to employ different theories in different situations. Each theory may have its own version of reality, but according to model-dependent realism, that is acceptable so long as the theories agree in their predictions whenever they overlap, that is, whenever they can both be applied." (GD)
We all accept as fact the everything is made from atoms and they in turn are made of even smaller thing. The fact is that most of what we perceive as solid “real” objects and vast amounts of nothing with a few atoms, molecules, quarks and what not thrown in. Our brain builds our reality from some, and only a short bit of the spectrum, of the radiation produced by the sun, traveling through space bouncing off these collections of particles and emptiness. These are in turn picked up by our senses taken to our brain and turned into what we see as our world.
Are there people who have trained themselves to see more that we do? To manipulate the atoms? To be able to pass between what we perceive as reality? In many forms of metaphysics people lay claim to just such abilities. Science has tried to measure this in experiments for years. I wonder if these abilities as is the nature of quantum experiments changes when it is observed and measured? 
Chose to be happy, make that your reality.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

BIG LETTERS/small letters

               In a group I attend on Sunday evening, “A Course In Miracles” we often discuss spirituality, love, compassion and things of the such in two different ways. To use the term compassion as an example, there is the small “c” compassion in which we feel empathy for others and the big “C” Compassion in which we feel Compassion for the race/planet/society/plane of existence as a whole.
            I was listening to Krishna Das, a musician and devotee of Neem Karoli Baba, talk about a teaching Baba gave. When he had asked Baba what he was to do the instruction was give “love people, feed people”. K.D. said, I wish he had given me a million syllable mantra to chant while standing on one leg in the ice, something easy. Love people, feed people. How am I to do that? I don’t even like people.
            Jesus said “Love your neighbor as yourself”. The first vow of the bodhisattva says “Sentient beings are numberless, I vow to save them”. Both of these are the BIG letter ideas. What I am thinking is that we need to start with small letter ideas. If we practice love and compassion on the small scale it will naturally evolve into the BIG letter concepts. If we do simple things such as, while driving let someone out in line. Smile when you are in the grocery store, park you vehicle properly in parking lots. These acts of kindness will spread to those around us.
            Small actions and signs of caring for people mean so much. Call an older relative and talk with them about their life. Be truly interested in someone when they tell you about their troubles. Some people are harder to love than others; this is because they need the love so badly. This is like a person starving to death, you need to be mindful of how much food you give them or you can cause them hard.
            Don’t forget to include yourself on this list of people to love. Take care of yourself properly. Love yourself properly. Remember the Buddha way is the middle path. Extremes in either direction are not conducive to our journey.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Time spent alone
Reflecting on the past
Desires and releases
Come at last
Sweeping through my mind
Winds of change
Blowing the dessert sands
Bringing the sweet rains
And the flowers bloom

Time spent alone

Time spent alone
Reflecting on the past
Desires and releases
Come at last
Sweeping through my mind
Winds of change on the dessert
Bringing the sweet rains
And the flowers bloom